Bathroom Upgrade
We spend a lot of our time in the bathroom. We use it for many functions, but fascinatingly, the bathrooms in most houses do not accommodate all of the functions that we use it for. Usually, storage is a major issue, especially when there are multiple people that use this room. This is a room where we go to clean up and practice our daily hygiene, it should feel like a clean and beautiful space to be in. We use this room to beautify ourselves, so why not make it a room we want to spend time in? Here we have an ordinary primary bathroom. It's a decent size, but lacks enough storage. The shower is small and does not allow a place to put soaps and shampoos except for on the floor. The tub never gets used, but I must admit, is quite nicely built-in. The water closet has no storage nor any room to add storage, which is a problem for housing feminine hygiene products and paper rolls. Though the sink/vanity area is great because it's dual, it lacks enough storage to house and hide hygiene and beauty products.

I got to draw up and model the new potential for this bathroom keeping in the mind the items that it needs to be a fully functioning bathroom. Taking a little bit of square footage from the closet to create some storage in the water closet seems much more valuable, though I opted to remove the door to the water closet in order to create a more open feel while still keeping the visual privacy in that space. It also allowed me to create a wider shower since I removed the existing door trim. I also added a thin shelf in the shower to create space to put soaps and shampoos without creating cutouts in the wall. I opted to remove a door leading into the shower, however in doing this, it could be more drafty, so I would recommend adding a heat lamp near the shower entry for added comfort.