Design is All in How You Look at it
It's true, design is subjective. When it comes to planning your main living space or an office or even your master bedroom, design must be fully thought out. That means, the type of furniture you will want and how it will function for you. Beauty comes next, but what is beauty? It is only what you, the user feels beauty is. It's that simple. Except, once you walk into a home furniture and accessory store, it's not so simple anymore for many of us. That is why I am here to help. There are so many choices these days with everything we buy. It's probably easier for most of us to just have someone tell us what to buy and have to the room come together magically. I like doing this stuff. That's why I am happy to help!

Sometimes it's more than just furniture and accessories that we need in our homes. This is true especially for older, worn homes. We suddenly need new floors, a fresh coat of paint on the walls, new fixtures, heck, new kitchens and bathrooms! I will help narrow down your choices or even pick them for you. You can be as involved or uninvolved as you'd like in the process.