Why Stage?
Staging is an important aspect of selling a home. For one, staging allows people to envision the house as being their home. Potential buyers can now imagine their own furniture in the rooms and how it will work for them or can inspire them to buy new furniture! Staging also allows people to get a sense of scale to the room size so that they can see what fits. Staging shows the potential in how the house will function for a buyer as well as shows off the architecture and any unique features of that house that make it stand out from all the rest. It's like the icing on the cake. People can like cake, but what makes the cake taste great is the good quality, flavorful icing on top of it and people may want it so bad, there may be multiple offers made to try and get it.

With that said, potential buyers don't want to walk into a house that feels like someone else's home. So de-cluttering and de-personalizing becomes very important. Make sure those refrigerator doors are clear. Yep, that means removing your child's artwork and cool magnets from various places you have traveled to. Make sure that random items sitting around the house are thoughtful and contribute to the beauty of the home. So yeah, that Playdoh sculpture your 5 year old made that you have sitting on a shelf, probably can get packed away, but that vase can stay.